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Understanding Everyday Australian – Three – Teacher’s Book / PDF

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People in Australia’s Past – Audio CD (2nd Ed) / MP3

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People in Australia’s Past – Stories & Activities (2nd Ed) / PDF

  • Physical Book: $29.95 inc. GST.
  • PDF Book Download: $14.95 inc. GST.

$14.95$29.95 inc. GST.

This book contains 20 stories about people who have shaped Australian history.
Accompanying each story are vocabulary building activities, comprehension questions,
grammar and/or spelling activities.

People in Australia’s Past is an exceptionally multi-purpose book as it can be used by
humanities, English or ESL students and teachers.

The activities have been designed to save hours of lesson preparation time.
To view content see the ‘Detailed information’ section in ‘Description’ below.

Postage within Australia – total order cost – $14.50.
Overseas buyers – Contact us for international postage cost.


Detailed information:
View ‘Table of Contents’ and introduction pages >>
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Book ISBN: 9781877074462     PDF ISBN: 9780987303462
Size: A4 paperback
Level:  primary school aged students to adult readers
Age group:  school age students to adult
Self study: Yes     Answers: Yes     Audio CD/MP3: Yes (available as a separate purchase)

Also there are discussion questions which lead into speaking activities.
Skills practiced include reading, listening, writing, spelling, grammar practice and comprehension.

People in Australia’s Past – Contents
Story Vocabulary, comprehension & language activities page

1. Aboriginal Australians 2
Verbs: past, present and future 5
Past tense crossword 6 Put the verbs in the correct place in the story 7

2. Governor Arthur Phillip 8
Paragraphs: Grouping ideas in writing 11
Noun categories: equipment 12
Crossword & discussion 13
Conjunctions – joining pieces of information 14
Map activity ; discussion relating to the First Fleet 15

3. Bennelong 16
Nouns: proper nouns & common nouns 19
Nouns: concrete & abstract nouns 19

4. James Ruse 20
Nouns: revision 23
Adjectives and nouns 24
Adjective crossword & Noun groups 25

5. Mary Reibey 26
Discussion – Crime & Punishment 28
More practice with nouns: 29 Verbs and nouns with the same spelling 29
Nouns review: put nouns in the story 30
Map activity 31
Nouns and adjectives with a suffix (‘ful’) 31

6. John and Elizabeth Macarthur 32
Prepositions of place 35
Prepositions of time 35

7. Governor and Mrs Macquarie 36
Adjectives: nationalities 39
Adjectives – practice & crossword 40 – 41

8. Caroline Chisholm 42
Personal pronouns 45
Adding a suffix (e.g. ‘ment’) to a verb to make a noun 46
Crossword practice: words with suffix ‘ment’ 46
Research & presentation: Social services 47

9. Edmund Barton 48
Punctuation: capital letters 51
Nouns with a suffix ‘ion’ – practice & crossword 52 – 53

10. Edith Cowan 54
Online research on Australia’s banknotes 56
Design a banknote 56
Australian banknotes images & features 57

11. Banjo Paterson 58
Plural nouns: spelling and pronunciation rules 61
‘Waltzing Matilda’ & paraphrasing practice 62- 63

12. Dame Nellie Melba 64
Phrases that show time or place 67
Adjectives with suffix ‘al’ & practice crossword 68- 69
Discussion: Fame 69

13. David Unaipon 70
Prepositions 73
Adverbs of frequency & practice crossword 74 – 75
Discussion: Inventions; Racism 75

14. Charles Kingsford Smith 76
Paragraphs 79
Past tense verbs review 80
Active and passive verbs – practice 80 – 81

15. John Flynn 82
Adjectives with special suffixes: ‘ed’, ‘ing’, ‘est’ 85
Abbreviations – acronyms 85
Synonyms 86
Expressing information with words or numbers 87
Discussion: Advances in health &communication services 87

16. Douglas Mawson 88
Articles: a, an, the 91 – 92
Phrasal verbs 93

17. Vincent Lingiari 94
Punctuation: quotation marks 97
Punctuation symbols: list & crossword 98 – 99

18. Oodgeroo Noonuccal 100
Poetry – words & meaning in context 103
Antonyms: prefixes to make opposites & crossword 103- 105

19. Eddie Mabo 106
Map activity 108
Words and phrases to show ‘ownership’: possessive pronouns 109

20. Charlie Perkins 110
More about verbs – infinitives 113
Revision: prepositions 114
Pronunciation and spelling practice: letter ‘c’ 115
Group Speaking Activities
People in Australia’s Past Quiz 116
Map Activity – Australia 117
Speaking & listening activity instructions 118
People in Australia’s Past- information exchange 119 – 120
Writing a simple biography 121
Answers to language activities 122 – 152
Acknowledgements and further reading 153

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