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Understanding Spoken English – Three – Book with Audio CD

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Understanding Spoken English – Two – Teacher’s Book / PDF

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Understanding Spoken English – One – Teacher’s Book / PDF

  • PDF Book Download: $22.95 inc. GST.
  • Physical Book: $44.95 inc. GST.

$22.95$44.95 inc. GST.

Understanding Spoken English –Teacher’s Book One contains over sixty pages of photocopiable work-sheets and communicative activities to enliven language classes, enhance learning and promote classroom interaction.

The communicative activities are classified into topics areas and most can be used independently of the Student’s Book. When used along with the Student’s Book however, the accompanying teaching notes are an added benefit for teachers.

Photocopiable material includes:
• Role play activities
• Discussion topics
• Information gap activities
• Out of class learning activities
• Cultural awareness activities
• Vocabulary extension activities

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To see detailed information:
View ‘Table of Contents’ & book introduction pages >>
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Book ISBN: 9781877074110     PDF ISBN: 9780987303219
Size: A4 & spiral bound
Level:  Intermediate
Age group:  school age students to adult
Other:  Self-study: No     Answers:  No
Audio CD/MP3 available:  Yes (as separate purchase)
Skills practiced:     Idioms & everyday expressions, spelling, grammar, pronunciation, reading, writing, dictionary use, learn about conventions of spoken English in business & social situations and learn strategies for improving listening skills and overcoming pronunciation problems.

Table of Contents     Understanding Spoken English – One – Teacher’s Book
Unit 1 – Starting Something New
Teaching Notes on Student’s Book, Unit One 3 – 6
Vocabulary Quiz                                               learn/revise colloquial expressions 7
Learning New Skills                                        discuss learning strategies & styles 8 – 9
‘Getting the Hang of Something New’         give suggestions on learning new skills 10 -11
Finding New Information in the Library    learn to locate information in libraries: 12 -17
* using the Dewey System 14 -15
* using the ‘Library of Congress’ System 16 -17
Library Research Assignment research & present a topic of interest 15 & 17

Unit 2 – Talking about the Family
Teaching Notes on Student’s Book, Unit Two 19 – 20
Vocabulary Quiz                                                learn/revise colloquial expressions 21
Talking about Your Family & Friends          show and ask about photographs 22 – 23
Family Life and Issues                                    discuss issues relating to family life 24 – 25
Family Gatherings, Customs and Celebrations   share information about their culture 26 – 27
Cultural Tips for Travellers                            give culturally specific advice 28 – 29
Family Photographs – Describing People   practise describing appearance 30 – 36
Describing People’s Personality                    discuss personality What’s he/she like? 37

Unit 3 – Talking about Other People
Teaching Notes on Student’s Book – Unit Three 39 – 40
Vocabulary Quiz                                               learn/revise colloquial expressions 41
Getting along with Other People – Discussion    discuss specific social situations 42- 43
Getting along with Other People – Giving Advice    ask for and give advice 44 – 45
Resolving a Dispute with a mediator           role play settling a dispute 46 – 49
What’s Going On in Grover Street?              exchange information & role play 50 – 57

Unit 4 – Talking about Shopping
Teaching Notes on Student’s Book – Unit Four 59 – 60
Vocabulary Quiz                                                learn/revise colloquial expressions 61
‘What’s it Called in English?’                          describe items 62 – 65
Shopping Around                                             make recommendations 66 – 67
Asking for and Giving Directions                  ask for and give directions 68 – 70
Asking for and Giving Directions in a Supermarket    ask for and give directions in a supermarket 71 – 73

Unit 5 – Talking about Health and Sickness
Teaching Notes on Student’s Book – Unit Five 75 – 76
Vocabulary Quiz                                                 learn/revise colloquial expressions 77
Sequencing a conversation                               reconstruct a medical dialogue 78 – 79
Giving Advice about Health – Group              work discuss causes & prevention/treatment
of stress related health problems 80
Giving Advice about Health – Role play       give advice about dealing with stress 80 – 81
Stress Test                                                           assess their own stress level 82 – 83
Labelling Parts of the Body                              learn/revise names of parts of the body 84 – 85
Which Health Specialist?                                 learn/revise names of health specialists 86 – 87

Unit 6 – Worrying about Money
Teaching Notes on Student’s Book – Unit Six 89 – 90
Vocabulary Quiz                                                 learn/revise colloquial expressions 91
Working Out a Household Budget                 role play negotiating a household budget 92 – 95
Working Out a Business Budget                     role play negotiating a business budget 96 – 98
Talking about Money                                        discuss ‘sayings’ relating to money 99

Unit 7 – Talking about Places and Preferences
Teaching Notes on Student’s Book – Unit Seven 101 – 102
Vocabulary Quiz                                                learn/revise colloquial expressions 103
Places and Preferences – Survey                   ask about and express preferences 104 – 105
At the Travel Agency                                       give/ask for information & clarification 106 – 107
A Camping Trip                                                justify opinions & negotiate outcomes 108 – 109
Map Reading                                                     learn/revise tools for map reading 110 -111
Destinations                                                       match places and names research and present information 112 -113

Unit 8 –Making an Arrangement by Telephone
Teaching Notes on Student’s Book – Unit Eight 115 – 116
Vocabulary Quiz                                               learn/revise colloquial expressions 117
Tradespeople and Services                             identify and name service providers 118 – 119
Describing Household Problems                  describe household problems/repairs 120
Requesting Service by Phone                        make an arrangement by telephone 121 – 123
Requesting Service by Phone (written consolidation)    construct a dialogue requesting service 124 – 125

Unit 9 – At a Social Gathering
Teaching Notes on Student’s Book – Unit Nine 127 – 128
Vocabulary Quiz                                              learn/revise colloquial expressions 129
Making Small Talk Role Play                        role play socialising at a barbecue
introduce themselves and others
find ‘things in common’ 130-139
Giving non-verbal feedback – Body Language    discuss ‘messages’ conveyed by different body language 140 – 141

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